We are excited to announce our new product: Q-TUNE-IR single housing tunable wavelenght system.
Q-TUNE-IR differs from the typical Q-TUNE system by its ability to generate laser radiation in the infrared range, 1380 – 4500 nm.
Q-TUNE-IR system has typical pulse duration of 3 – 4 ns with pulse energy >15 mJ at the peak of tuning curve, up to 20 Hz repetition rate and linewidth of <10 cm-1 with the available broadband version with the linewidth of ~200 cm-1.
We are offering two different options of this product: cost effective option and high energy option.
Q-TUNE-IR system can be configured with an extra port for the pump laser fundamental beam output.
Possible applications of the Q-TUNE-IR system: Infrared spectrophotometry, Cavity ring-down spectroscopy, Gas spectroscopy, Single molecule vibrational spectroscopy, Scanning near-field optical microscopy, Remote sensing.
Optional extensions available by request:
• Compact spectrometer for monitoring of OPO wavelength and linewidth.
• Built-in broadband attenuator for pulse energy control.
• Dispersive wavelength selector for spectrally pure output.